Our LIFE Donors
in contributing to what will be a lasting and significant legacy to our future generations. With philanthropic community support of the Campaign for the Future – YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
John H. “Jack Burbage, Jr.
Gudelsky Family
State of Maryland - Maryland Hospital Association
Myers Family Foundation
Town of Berlin
Town of Ocean City
AGH Auxiliary ∙ Bank of Ocean City ∙ Calvin B. Taylor Banking Co. ∙ Esham
Family Limited Partnership
Michelle & John Fager ∙ Guerrieri Family Foundation ∙ M&T Charitable
Franklin P. and Arthur W. Perdue Foundation, Inc. ∙ Walter "Macky"
and Pam Stansell
Worcester County Commissioners
Andrew & Pamela Adkins ∙ AGH/HS Associates ∙ AGH Junior Auxiliary Group
∙ Nancy Barrett
Lew & Betty Bush ∙ Reese F. Cropper, III ∙ Deeley Insurance Group ∙
Trond and Linda Emberland
William E. Esham, III ∙ Todd & Jill Ferrante
Michael A. & Marianne C. Franklin ∙ William A. & Julianne Gibbs
∙ Sandy and Palmer Gillis
Christine Glick & Family – In Memory of Hal Glick
Robert Hammond & Family – Atlantic Physical Therapy
Harrison Group ∙ Tom & Beth Hershey
Phil & Marie Houck and Family ∙ Humphreys Foundation, Inc. ∙ Jenkins Group
Joan W. Jenkins Foundation, Inc. ∙ Candy Kitchen - The Bruce Leiner Family
& The Jay Taustin Family
Kathy & Mike Marshall ∙ Ray Nichols, Charles Nichols & Michelle
Nichols Neff ∙ Ocean Downs Casino
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Parker, Sr and Jr. ∙ Peninsula Radiology Associates
∙ Tony & Trudi Russo
Old Pro Golf- Herbert & Judy Schoellkopf ∙ REAL Hospitality Group ∙
G. Marvin & Beverly Steen
The Sunsations Family – In Memory of Celia Krasner ∙ Wilde Charitable
Foundation – Hugh F. Wilde, Sr.
AGH Medical Staff ∙ Debbi, Bill and Shawna Anderson ∙ Larry & Beth Barnes
Bayside Skillet - Peter and Rebecca Zweigbaum
Sidney & Sherri Beckstead ∙ R. Clifford & Donna Berg
James R. Bergey Family ∙ Woody & Cam Bunting ∙ I.G. Burton of Berlin
Dale R. & Charlotte K. Cathell ∙ Phillip & Jeanie Cheung ∙ James
C. “Bud” & Allyson Church
Douglass & Lisa Cook ∙ CraZy LadyZ – Jan Patterson & Louise Reardon
Hugh & J.L. Cropper ∙ Susan & Hugh Cropper, III ∙ Denise and Michael Crutchley
In Memory of Stanley Cylc – Margaret D. Cylc & Family ∙ Kevin Decker
Dr. Kathy Dillon & Mr. Dan Mason ∙ Raphael Dodoo, M.D. ∙ Sally Hamel
Dowling, M.D. and Family
DAFA, Inc. - The Fasano Family ∙ Friends of Al "Hondo" Handy
∙ Bill and Mary Anne Freeman
Genesar, Inc. t/a The Dunes Manor Hotel ∙ Brad & Kim Gillis
Mr. & Mrs. J. Steven Green – The Dispatch ∙ Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Greenwood
In Memory of Louise Gulyas – Worcester County Commissioner 1998 – 2014
Thomas, Belinda & TJ Gulyas ∙ Dr. Roopa Gupta & Mr. Probal Gupta
∙ Thomas G. Hanley Trust ∙ Happy Jack Pancake House - The Torrey Family
∙ Wayne Hartman Management - Wayne and Sharon Hartman
Donald A. & Phyllis "Pam" Hastings ∙ Mr. and Mrs. W. Todd
Hershey ∙ Christopher & Jennifer Hoen ∙
Richard & Cheryl Holland ∙ Madalaine Leszcz & Harry B. How ∙ Michael
& Marilyn James ∙ Stan and Veronica Kahn ∙ Jennifer and Lee Klepper, M.D.
Jay & Mary Knerr ∙ James R. Kyger, Jr. ∙ Stephen & Kristen Lewis
- Big Fish Classic
Dawn McGee & Terri Stevens ∙ Pete Meeks and Jodie Noonan
Kimmerly Messick - 2018 Hal Glick Distinguished Service Award Recipient
Drs. Michnick & Takacs, DDS PA ∙ Virginia P. Mix – In Memory
of G. Warren Mix
Montgomery Financial Services - Jeff and Joan Montgomery
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Nottingham and Family ∙ Ocean City / Berlin Rotary
Club ∙ Odachowski Family
Tom & Doris O'Keefe ∙ Parker Foundation ∙ Tammy A. Patrick –
In Memory of Kenneth Patrick, Sr. Peninsula Pathology Associates, PA -
Kimberly Cuesta, M.D., Pat O'Reilly, M.D., Michael Wagner, M.D., and Eric
Weaver, M.D. ∙ George and Francis Purnell
Mike and Nour Ramadan ∙ RJB Law - Richard, Isabella, Sophia and Lauren Brueckner
Alice & D. Bruce Rogers ∙ Ropewalk ∙ Barbara and Mel Ross ∙ Sandpiper
Energy / Chesapeake Utilities
Gary and Pat Sauter - In Honor of Aimee Sauter Delaney ∙ David & Patricia
Ilczuk-Shaffer - In Loving Memory of André Lavenceau
Joe M. Shaw ∙ Gregory and Susan Shockley ∙ Raymond C. & Susan B. Shockley
Shore United Bank ∙ Kenneth & Elizabeth Simpler ∙ Lois A. Sirman
Regan J.R. & Julie Smith ∙ Jim Sullivan ∙ Sunset Grille - In Honor
of Hope Palmer
Louis H. Taylor & Family ∙ Bradford & Rebecca Taylor
Jeff and Rina Thaler - In Memory of Ruth Thaler ∙ The Bank of Delmarva
The Voice Radio Network ∙ The Colangelo Family & Global Reimbursement
George & Emily Tunis ∙ Margaret Warfield & Family – In Memory
of Robert E. Warfield, Sr.
John & Gail Whaley ∙ Mike Wheaton ∙ Dee Whittington - In Memory of
Kenneth D. Whittington Joseph Wilson ∙ R. Erik and Colleen Windrow ∙ George
& Terry Wright ∙ Dr. Alae & Kim Zarif
2018 Hal Glick Distinguished Service Award Recipient - Kimmerly Messick
2018 Hal Glick Distinguished Service Award Gala - Temple Bat Yam
2019 Hal Glick Distinguished Service Award Recipient - Steve and Dawne Pappas & Family
2019 Hal Glick Distinguished Service Award Gala - Temple Bat Yam
John H. “Jack” Burbage, Jr. - Co-Chair
Michelle Fager - Co-Chair
Gregory S. Shockley - Board of Trustees Chair
Todd Ferrante - Foundation Chair
Michael Franklin - President/CEO
Christine Glick - Committee Officer
Toni Keiser - V. Pres., Public Relations
Call Caroline Phillips at (410) 641-9690 or
Email Her Here
to discuss how you can make a difference.