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RJ Reynolds' Grandson Speaks to Worcester County Children about the Dangers of Smoking

Smoking is addictive, and it kills. These were the stark messages that speaker Patrick Reynolds imparted to middle school students at Worcester Preparatory School and Most Blessed Sacrament School in late May.

But, he also wanted area youth to know they’re not alone. If they smoke, they can get help to quit. And, they can help their loved ones quit as well.

Reynolds, a grandson of big tobacco company founder RJ Reynolds, delivered compelling arguments against the decision to pick up a cigarette or a can of snuff, woven among emotional stories about losing close members of his family to tobacco use.

Reynolds’ visit to the Worcester County schools was sponsored by Atlantic General Hospital’s Community Education Department, which is striving to help reduce tobacco use in the county.

Worcester County’s tobacco consumption is higher than both the state and national average.

“We were very fortunate to be able to bring Patrick Reynolds to the students. His message is different from what kids have heard all their lives,” said Dawn Denton, RN, the community education manager at Atlantic General Hospital. “He appeals to them on a more emotional and intellectual level when he shows how their age group is being targeted by the tobacco companies.”

Atlantic General Hospital hopes to provide an encore of Reynolds’ The Truth about Tobacco presentation – this time in Worcester County’s public schools.